Dance Beginning
This course engages students in the basic principles of movement through Hip Hop, Ballet, Jazz, Musical Theatre, and Lyrical dance forms. Students learn dance terminology, technique, and choreography while developing an appreciation for dance as an art form. All students are welcome.
Typically offered both semesters. No prerequisite. Can be taken for .5 P.E. or .5 Fine Arts credit.
Dance Advanced
This course reviews and builds on the principles of movement: space, time, shape, and effort through Ballet, Hip Hop, Jazz, Musical Theatre, and Lyrical dance forms. This course has increased emphasis on student technique and chorography studies while developing an appreciation for dance as an art form. All students are welcome.
Typically offered both semesters. No prerequisite. Can be taken for .5 P.E. or .5 Fine Arts credit.
Beginning Theatre
This low-stakes and low-homework introductory course is for all students looking to develop skills in acting and performing in front of others. Public speaking, creative problem solving, and collaboration are explored through creative activities, voice and movement exercises, improvisation, story structure, creating character, and scene study. No previous theatre experience necessary. All students are welcome!
At Roosevelt, students with prior experience (Dramafest, Musical Production, outside shows and classes) should audition for the Intermediate/Advanced course to bypass Beginning Theatre, including 8th graders who will be enrolled in the fall.
Typically offered both semesters. No prerequisite. Can be taken for .5 Fine Arts credit.
Intermediate & Advanced Theatre
This yearlong course introduces two, single-evening public performance opportunities and includes topics such as resume development, movement-based acting techniques, pantomime, improvisation, stage combat, playwriting, and creating staged readings.
At Roosevelt, students with prior experience (Dramafest, Musical Production, outside shows and classes) should audition for this Intermediate/Advanced course to bypass Beginning Theatre, including 8th graders who will be enrolled in the fall. Those who have already completed Beginning Theatre at Roosevelt do not need to audition! This is to ensure all students within the program learn the same foundational performance processes used in more advanced classes at Roosevelt and to make sure everyone has a common vocabulary and repertoire to draw from.
At Roosevelt, this class produces The Variety Show, an evening of Stage Combat, Pantomime, and Improvised Comedy acts for a public audience. Later in the term, we complete an extensive unit on Playwriting with excerpts of student-written scripts showcased in the Roughwriters Show. Both shows are produced in collaboration with guest professional directors from the Seattle area. Future Dramafest Directors are encouraged to attend and consider the plays from this class for Dramafest the following fall!
Prerequisite: audition the spring prior OR completing either Musical Production or Beginning Theatre. Can be taken for 1.0 Fine Arts credit.
Play Production​
This course is designed to be repeated Sophomore and Junior years and prepares students to use the skills and techniques of acting and performance in one or more plays produced for a public audience. This course mirrors professional theater standards, culminating with a full-scale production of a play. Students enrolled in the course may also have opportunities to work in areas of theatre production including directing, scenic design and construction, costuming, properties, stage management, promotions and publicity.
Play Production will either present one large mainstage production or several small-cast productions in repertory. Most rehearsals happen in class until tech begins after school. While the class is repeatable, students must audition each year as the type and number of roles available is dependent on the needs of the production(s) themselves.
At Roosevelt, auditions for the Play Production class happen in the spring of the year before and are open to anyone who has completed Theatre Beginning OR Theatre Intermediate/Advanced.
Typically offered first semester only. No prerequisite. Can be taken for .5 Fine Arts credit.
Theatre Directing
In this project-based special topic course, students learn the basic elements of directing for the stage and leadership skills required to produce a play. Topics include script analysis, collaboration with designers, casting processes, scheduling, table work, blocking, and creating an ensemble.
At Roosevelt, the class culminates in the Dramafest student-directed one act play festival. Must be a senior who has taken Theatre Beginning and preferably at least one of the following: Intermediate Theatre, Advanced Theatre, and/or Musical Production.
Typically offered first semester only. Can be taken for .5 Fine Arts credit or .5 OcEd credit.
Musical Theatre Production:
This course prepares students to synthesize the skills and techniques of acting, singing, dancing and performance into a musical theatre production for a public audience. Throughout this process students develop community by working as an ensemble. This course mirrors professional theater standards, culminating in a full-scale production of a musical.
At Roosevelt, auditions for the Musical Production class happen before winter break and are open to anyone in the school, regardless of previous experience. This class will present the annual Spring Musical mainstage production, with most rehearsals happening in class until around April when after school rehearsals are added. While the class is repeatable, students must audition each year as the type and number of roles available is dependent on the needs of the production.
Typically offered second semester only. No Prerequisite, auditions open to all. Can be taken for .5 Fine Arts credit or .5 OcEd credit. Class may be repeated.